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Do you have a say in which babysitter your ex uses?

On Behalf of | Oct 8, 2024 | Family Law

If you are a parent, you know how stressful it can be to find someone to care for your child. After all, a babysitter must be able to keep your child healthy and happy when you are away. According to Psychology Today, the childcare you use also can have a major impact on your child’s emotional development.

You have never been one to take any child-related matter lightly. Your soon-to-be ex-spouse, though, often takes a more cavalier approach to bringing up your son or daughter. If you believe your ex will choose a babysitter you do not trust, you should take action immediately.

Your first right of refusal

You may have heard about first rights of refusal in the context of business contracts. A first right of refusal in your custody agreement works similarly, in that it gives you some input over who babysits your child after your divorce.

A first right of refusal requires your ex to offer you the opportunity to babysit when he or she is not available to watch the kids during his or her parenting time. If you agree, you get to see your child. If you refuse, your ex can ask someone else to babysit.

Your ability to negotiate

The best time to negotiate a first right of refusal is before your custody agreement becomes final. Therefore, if you are going through a divorce and thinking about child custody, you may want to bring up the matter sooner rather than later. After all, modifying an existing custody agreement can be an uphill battle.

Ultimately, rather than losing sleep for the foreseeable future over your ex’s choice of babysitters, it is advisable to settle the matter when you are finalizing your divorce and custody arrangement.