Having a driving license secures your driving privileges. However, committing certain infractions or more serious crimes could cause Indiana authorities to suspend your license. You might end up in further legal trouble if you keep driving with a suspended license.
You may wonder about the legal consequences of driving after the state has suspended your license. Here are answers to some common questions on this subject.
How does state law define this crime?
According to Indiana law, it is a crime if you drive knowing that the state has suspended or revoked your driving license. The law expands this crime to include driving with a suspended permit or any suspension of your driving privileges.
Will I go to prison?
State law punishes driving with a suspended license as a Class A infraction. You may end up having to pay a fine of $10,000.
However, you might incur a Class A misdemeanor charge if the suspension results from a prior criminal conviction or if you drive with a suspended license for the second time in 10 years. In this case, you could go to prison for up to a year and pay up to $5,000 in fines.
Can I go to prison for longer?
It is possible to incur a much longer prison sentence, but it depends on whether your vehicle causes bodily injury or death. If you get into a crash and someone gets hurt, your offense goes up to a Level 6 felony. If a person suffers catastrophic injury or death, the state may charge you with a Level 5 felony.
Keep in mind that the state criminalizes knowingly driving with a suspended license. Some people may drive without receiving notification of a suspension. Consider such questions if you must deal with criminal charges.