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How do doctors diagnose damaged nerves?

On Behalf of | Nov 17, 2022 | Personal Injury

After a recent motor vehicle accident, you must inventory injuries for your legal case. Depending on experienced symptoms, you may have damaged nerves, a medical condition called “peripheral neuropathy.”

Mayo Clinic explains how physicians diagnose peripheral neuropathy. If you experience muscle weakness or progressive numbness, seek medical attention to protect your personal injury claim.

Medical history and neurological examination

Medical history questions your doctor may ask include your drinking habits, family history and lifestyle. Medical professionals also diagnose nerve damage with neurological examinations. Tests involve checking muscle tone and strength, tendon reflexes and posture.


Magnetic resonance imaging and computerized tomography scans pinpoint irregularities. Examples of bone and blood vessel abnormalities include pinched nerves, herniated disks and tumors. Blood tests identify odd immune responses, nutrient deficiencies and diabetes. Any of these may indicate medical conditions that cause nerve damage.

Electromyography tests use small needles to detect nerve damage by recording your muscles’ electrical activity. During the nerve function test, expect a technician or your physician to conduct a nerve conduction study. The study involves running a mild electric current through flat electrodes attached to your skin.

Physicians also test nerve functionality with sweat tests, automatic reflex screens and sensory tests. During a skin biopsy, health care professionals remove a skin sample to spot signs of declining nerve endings. A nerve biopsy involves taking a nerve sample to look for irregularities.

You deserve an accurate account of the harm sustained in a personal injury. Do not dismiss the discomfort or pain you experience, as your body may try to tell you about damaged nerves.