Committed To Getting The Best Possible Outcomes for Clients

Family Law

What is a legal separation?

You have two options when you wish to end your marriage. You can go through a divorce, which permanently ends your legal relationship, or you can opt for a legal separation. It will not end your marriage, but according to the Indiana General Assembly, it will give you...

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3 types of marital asset dissipation

In Indiana, the courts strive to ensure that each spouse gets an equitable distribution of the assets built during the marriage. Unfortunately, some people purposely work to create an unfair advantage by hiding assets. Another way they can make that happen involves...

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How to make child custody decisions

Deciding child custody can be one of the most challenging parts of divorce. Ultimately, it is better for the parents to come to an agreement together. However, when emotions are running high, making this decision is more difficult. Fortunately, there are ways to make...

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Explaining divorce to your children

While not easy for anyone involved, divorce especially causes confusion and concern for children. Divorce fundamentally changes the family your child has relied on, but with the right approach, you can move forward together into a healthy new family dynamic. It helps...

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