When your marriage fails, you may suffer from feelings of helplessness, anger, loneliness or worry. The compounding stress can lead to major episodes of anxiety or depression. Getting a divorce means having to make important strategic plans that can impact your entire...
Family Law
How are IRA accounts divided after a divorce?
Dividing marital property is often one of the most complex and contentious aspects of a divorce. Dividing assets such as cash and real estate is a relatively straightforward process, but dividing retirement accounts can be more complex. How are individual retirement...
What is a legal separation?
You have two options when you wish to end your marriage. You can go through a divorce, which permanently ends your legal relationship, or you can opt for a legal separation. It will not end your marriage, but according to the Indiana General Assembly, it will give you...
How can you effectively communicate during divorce?
During the divorce process, you may struggle to communicate with your spouse. Feelings of anger, disappointment, frustration and sadness may cloud any conversations you do have and even make it harder to move forward with divorce proceedings while representing your...
3 types of marital asset dissipation
In Indiana, the courts strive to ensure that each spouse gets an equitable distribution of the assets built during the marriage. Unfortunately, some people purposely work to create an unfair advantage by hiding assets. Another way they can make that happen involves...
How to make child custody decisions
Deciding child custody can be one of the most challenging parts of divorce. Ultimately, it is better for the parents to come to an agreement together. However, when emotions are running high, making this decision is more difficult. Fortunately, there are ways to make...
Explaining divorce to your children
While not easy for anyone involved, divorce especially causes confusion and concern for children. Divorce fundamentally changes the family your child has relied on, but with the right approach, you can move forward together into a healthy new family dynamic. It helps...
The role of therapy in supporting divorced families
Divorce is challenging for any family. It brings about significant changes, emotional upheaval and potential conflict. During this difficult time, therapy can serve as a valuable tool to navigate the path to healing and acceptance. Consider how therapy can best...
When do Indiana courts award spousal maintenance?
Indiana dissolution laws do not award spousal maintenance solely based on income inequality between two divorcees. Understanding when a spouse may qualify for alimony might help a couple agree on financial support during the divorce. Temporary spousal maintenance...
How can I financially prepare myself for divorce?
Money is going to be a major issue for you in divorce. You should consider the costs of legal representation and your courtroom dates, plus you may need cash for a new place to live. If you have not begun the initial steps of filing for divorce, some financial...